Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Report from the HIX Executive Board meeting (Day two)

I apologize to the lateness of this report, the second day started with a closed Executive Session from 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM.

Topic covered by the executive board throughout the day included:

Outreach and education
Navigator/in-person Assister Grant funding application
Native American Service Center
Discussion of Proxy for Board members that cannot attend meetings
Development of Advisory Committees

Outreach and education:
establishment grants can be used for marketing activities, use of Radio, Television, and social media, in mobile "app" form where discussed.  An Advisory Committee will be established to make recommendations to the Executive board.

Navigator/in-person assisters:
Establishment grants cannot be used to fund salaries of Navigators, Navigators must be funded by the States.  PPACA rules say that a state-based exchange requires a Navigator program, however, CCIIO has stated that the state may have a few as two (2) Navigators in order to qualify, the assumption is that the States can use federal funding to create a larger, mostly temporary, in-person Assister program.

Native American Service Center (NASC)
the discussion concerning a NASC was similar to previous discussions what was the function, what is the budget, how many employees will it take to run, will there be navigators and ISD workers within to determine eligibility and enroll in either Medicaid or HIX.  Mr. Nunez from the HIA did present a structure chart as well as information on previously released job descriptions for the Center. Also there was mention of a Budget set aside of approximately $2.6 million.

Board Proxy
It was decided that any board member that was unable to attend a meeting could defer their vote to another board member and that vote would count.  Members would be given the option to conference call.  Only Sec Squire and Sec. Francini (DoI) can designate a representative to take their place on the board.

Advisory Committees
there are going to be three advisory committees established
Marketing and outreach
Health Plan

there will be a Native American Standing Committee chaired by Theresa Gomez that will be established.  I believe that there will be a letter out to Tribes asking to designate a representative to that committee

HIX is still waiting for a MOU to be estabilished between HSD OHCR and the HIX in order for the remainder of the original $34 million from the Level one establishment Grant and any additional funding that is being requested by the state for the development of the HIX.

The Following is commentary given on the second day by Pueblo of Jemez representative:

Native American Issues for the Health Insurance Exchange Board

  1. Crucial to define, as soon as possible, what form New Mexico’s HIX will take as this will determine state eligibility to apply for Navigator program grant funds.  State only will preclude this.  Will the “quasi-federal” relationship (at least for the first year) described as one of the options be sufficient for Navigator grant fund application?

  1. Effective outreach, education and enrollment in rural and Tribal communities will require a lot of knocking on doors – many lack internet and even reliable telephone access.

  1. With rapidly approaching deadlines to get the Exchange up and running, existing Benefits Coordinators, Community Health Representatives and Community Health Workers will bear the brunt of the education and outreach burden - out of necessity.  As it has been in the past, this looks to be an uncompensated addition to their already significant workload.

  1. Request that CCIIO respond to 3/4/13 letter from Joyce Naseyowma regarding release of some Level I Establishment grant funding already received and earmarked for activities such as Tribal Outreach/Education and Assistance to AI/AN individuals and small businesses.

  1. Feel the need to re-iterate Mr. Lujan’s comments yesterday encouraging Tribal Consultation as early as possible as the Health Insurance Exchange is guaranteed to have a significant impact on Indian Country.

Depending on issues covered in Day 2:
  1. Has planning for the Native American Service Center resumed?  If not, it is essential to get this back on track ASAP.

  1. What did the outreach and education projects in the Native American community mentioned yesterday refer to?

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